Our industry is seeing more and more fake news, scaremongering and people taking advantage of us. And seeing less and less support for the difficulties we all face, whether you are new grad, seasoned associate / therapist or a practice owner.
The REAL dentist academy was set up by Chris, Paul and Doug to highlight what is real and what is fake in our industry. We aim to provide education and mentoring to those looking to upskill through a clear and evidence based pathway. As well as supporting practice owners to achieve more through industry collaboration and networking. Lets get back to doing what we do best without all the BS !
We want to provide education that is structured, and evidence based to provide the core knowledge to dentists allowing them to expand their skills confidently and safely for their patients. This is done through short online content, remote learning and hands on teaching.
Mentoring is essential for the professional and business development of dentists. We aim to provide mentoring to help guide younger dentists through the minefield of early career development, older dentists in upskilling, and for practice owners to be more efficient in the running of their businesses.
A large portion of the dental market is still private ownership. Overheads of individual practices is higher than bigger groups. By collaboratively grouping like minded clinicians and specifically chosen trade increases relationships and reduces overheads for all. Resulting in a true win:win.
Login is required to access the deals we have secured.
Associates : Sign up for FREE to access all our online content modular learning, courses, workshops and trade deals. I
Practices: Join up for a small one off payment of ony £50, to access all the Associate membership content and enhanced content and trade deals only for practices.
Want to find out more about upcoming courses, or practice support , or maybe you are trade and want to collaborate with us? Drop us a line. Remember we are human and have lives so will get back as soon as we can !!